Distribution of Goods
Pre-requisites of Distribution of Goods

Distribution of goods requires pre-requisites and well established centers in advance. Our fully covered 70000 Sq. meters class “A” warehouses with in a total area of 210000 Sq. meter cause inbound / outbound of goods to be coupled with high quality. Processes like FIFO/LIFO/ Batch, Price categorizing management ,Dispatch prioritization / Inspection / Pick list preparation/Packing-Repacking, Digital Recounting will lead to the best services in distribution.

Distribution process of goods and products are practiced based on different factors like route and time management, Monitoring and tracking with GPS, accurate delivery in quantity and quality. Having employed experienced staff and met requirements like Tool Box meeting will lead to OTD at the destination.
Full Access

To forward consignment from warehouse or cross dock the goods, it is necessary to have suitable physical access to connecting roads, abundant distribution facilities like experienced driver as well as proper truck availability and other facilities to face cases of returns, defects, damaged, and reverse logistics and ultimately safety facilities such as being close to Police Station, clinics and fire extinguishing posts have been predicted by KALA NAVGAN SHARGH Co.
Planning & management of Consignments for Distribution

While distribution of goods and related challenges have become specialized, full knowledge in Delivery Planning and experience in Route Planning should be considered to apply time/cost effective management for customers.