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Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan tour agencies sign MoU

Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan tour agencies sign MoU
Date :11/17/2022 / Visit Count : 602 Source:

Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan tour agencies sign MoU

Tehran, IRNA – Tour agencies of Tajikistan, Iran and Uzbekistan have signed more than 50 new cooperation documents during the forum.

AsiaPlus website quoted Tajikistan’s Tourism Development Committee that Tajik craftspeople and tourist companies reportedly put on display their achievements in tourism and relevant industries at the regional tourism development forum that reportedly brought together delegations from Tajikistan, Iran and Uzbekistan.

Accordingly, Iranian delegation led by Iran's Ambassador to Tajikistan Muhammad Taghi Saberi reportedly expressed readiness of Iran in expanding collaboration with Tajikistan in developing various directions of tourism, including the historical and cultural tourism, environmental tourism and medical tourism.

Historical and cultural tourism occupies one of leading places among main types of tourism. Interesting routes, various scopes of excursions broaden horizons, develop intelligence, form esthetic taste, and help to realize a real picture of the world better.

Environmental tourism typically defined as travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment and enhance the cultural integrity of local people.

Medical tourism is when a person travels to another country for medical care. Each year, millions of US residents participate in medical tourism.

Regional tourism development forum took place in Dushanbe on November 12.

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